THE ROOKIE’S GAMBIT (Book 1 of Fenghuolun) + invitation to be an ARC reader

Lotus Shen is really good at one thing in life: to go fast on two wheels. The racetrack is where she feels most at home, where she can lose herself in its familiar sights and sounds. Roaring engines, burning rubber, and… fire-breathing bikes?

Street racer Lotus Shen’s life of poverty and danger is flipped on its head when she and her brother Echo find themselves transported to Stormvast, a nation of obsessed bikers where the motorcycles channel the supernatural powers of ancient magical beasts. It doesn’t take long for Lotus herself to be thrown head-first into the high-speed and high-stakes world of professional Chakram racing, and along with rising stardom comes new friends and powerful enemies. To have any hope of carving out a tenable future for herself and Echo, Lotus must contend, not only against her rivals on asphalt, but also with her own inner demons.

But if there’s one thing she could always count on, it’s that she never backs down from a good race…

Are you interested in becoming an ARC (Advance Review Copy) reader for THE ROOKIE’S GAMBIT? If so, please fill out this invite form.

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